News & Events

  • First Workshop on Complex Dynamical Systems and Their Applications  will be held in TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey, from October 12th to 13th, 2012.
  • Welcome to the seminars on Mathematical Neuroscience (MN), a new branch of applied mathematics that includes the mathematical and computational techniques used for understanding the dynamics of complex neural systems found in the nature.
    MN Seminars will be held on Thursdays at 17:00 o`clock at M-203 Seminar Room, Department of Mathematics, METU.
    If you want to give a talk please contact with:
    Dr. Enes Yżlmaz,
  • Dr. Enes Yżlmaz gives a seminar at Instute of Applied Mathematics, METU.
    Topic: Neural Networks with Different Types of Discontinuities
    Date-Place: 15:30, March 27, 2012, Tuesday - Institute of Applied Math,METU, Seminar Room